How to set up a Stripe account

Creating a Stripe account allows you to offer donors the option to contribute via credit or debit card. Ensuring you have correctly filled out Stripe’s registration is important, so we have created this step-by-step guide to support you through the process. 

The last step of the campaign setup process is to connect a Stripe account. Select “set up payments” to get started. 

If you have never created an account with Stripe, you will be prompted to enter an email address and password.

Next, you will be asked to authenticate your account information by downloading the Google Authentication app. Once you complete the verification, you will be provided with an emergency backup code; be sure to store it somewhere safe. 

Now it’s time to start adding information about your campaign. It’s important to carefully read the prompts and provide accurate information to ensure your Stripe account does not incur account restrictions in the future. 

You will be provided with a list of options for the type of account you are setting up. It may be best to use the option to register as "An Individual" if that best suits your circumstances. In Stripe you should be able to tick the box that allows you to register as an Individual/Sole Trader. This should make some fields that require business information optional and allow you to proceed without filling them in. If you're unsure of what box fits Stripe's criteria, we'd advise contacting Stripe directly at

You will be asked to provide the following information depending on your selection: 

  • Company:
    • specify whether you are a proprietary or public company. 
    • provide company details such as name, address, phone, company tax I.D., company registration number, company directors, owners and executives.
    • terms of service
  • Individual:
    • specify if you have an ABN or not 
    • terms of service
  • Non-for-profit (NFP):
    • specify whether you are an Incorporated association, Unincorporated association, Cooperative or other. 
    • provide company details such as name, address, phone, company tax I.D., executives and representatives.

You will also be prompted to provide Stripe with the following information before you can review and submit your account details. 

  • Phone number 
  • Address 
  • Bank account details 
  • A bank statement descriptor 

Please note that you may be required to provide more information to Stripe once your account is set up. We suggest regularly logging in to your account to ensure you are adhering to Stripe’s requirements. Failing to provide updates and information as your campaign builds momentum, may lead to temporary account restrictions until you submit the necessary information. 

We strongly recommend reading Stripe’s support documents which go into more detail about the information you will be required to provide based on your selections: Required verification information