How do I create great content for my ads?
A guide to creating successful Ads
At Chuffed, we're currently giving a limited number of campaigners the chance to promote their campaigns through our advertising service, Chuffed Amplify. It's a great way to raise funds outside of your own networks. But what do you need to create a great ad?
1. A Short, Engaging Video:
A 1 minute video really helps people to connect with your campaign. It's a great way to tell your story in a concise manner, whilst also help people understand more about your project. It helps give donors confidence in your campaign if they can see who's behind it, and how a campaigner will be using the funds to create positive change. Be authentic, engaging, clear about your positive change and concise. Ideally, if you can add subtitles, that will help too.
A great example of a short campaign video can be found here:
2. 5-10 Authentic Images:
You will need 5-10 authentic images for your ad. These images should be your own, and should showcase yourself, your team and the beneficiary/beneficiaries of your work. The best types of photos are those that show people directly!
Above: Members of our community from the Hummingbird Project. They raised 15,000 to help people in Calais.
3. Inspiring Written Content:
It's so important to have the right kind of content for your campaign page. You can find a good guide on how to craft engaging copy here:
We can review the copy to ensure it's compelling. However, it's best for you to create the copy so that you can clearly communicate your vision and passion.