Tax deductible receipting for Australian charities

If you are raising funds for a deductible gift recipient (DGR) endorsed charities in Australia, can issue tax deductible receipts on your behalf for your donors. For non-DGR charities, and other organisation types, we do issue receipts to all donors, but these won't be eligible for tax deduction.  

To set up tax-deductible receipting

1. Log into your account here

2. Click on "Edit my campaign"

3. Under "Optional Features", click on "Organisation Setup"

4. Click that you are  "Raising Funds For An Organisation / Group" and type in the name of the organisation that you're raising money for. You may see a drop-down to create a new organisation with that name - click on this drop-down. 

  1. You will see the "Does your organisation have deductible gift recipient (DGR) status" question. Leave the toggle unselected.

7. Click on "Save"

You're now all set. When a donor makes a donation to your campaign from this point on, they'll receive a receipt that meets the Australian Tax Office requirements for tax deductible receipts. 

It will look something like this: