Are donations tax-deductible?

Generally, tax deductibility of a donation depends on:

  • What organisation is receiving the funds
  • Where the donor is located
  • Whether a perk or reward was received when a donation was made has in-built tax deductible receipting for our Australian , U.S. and Canadian charity campaigns, and built-in Gift Aid Declarations for our UK charity campaigns. If you are donating to campaigns in these countries, your receipt will indicate if your donation is tax deductible or Gift-Aid'able. 

For campaigns in other countries - the organisation receiving the funds may choose to issue you a tax deductible receipt, but it's up to them to decide if they wish to.

If your receipt doesn't indicate that the donation is tax deductible, this means that the campaigner hasn't chosen to offer tax deductible receipts. It would be best to contact the campaigner directly about the status of their organisation.