Offering Perks


Image from "Help fund a show about an inspiring experience in Rwanda"

What are Perks?

Perks are a great way to get more people involved with your campaign. It gives people another reason to give to your campaign, beyond the fact that you're raising money for a really good cause.  By offering something in return for a donation, you add value to that donation and make it more appealing to potential donors.

What perks can I offer?

Be as creative as you possibly can! Offer something that only you can offer; people love unique stuff. Perks can range from anything from a thank you message on social media, to a branded item that's of interest to your audience, to celebrity endorsement or a trip to a specific location You can’t offer financial rewards or incentives, such as ownership, financial returns (e.g. profit share), cash and cash equivalents or any loan/repayment structure. 

To find out more information about perks, have a read of our blog:

How do I add a perk?

To add a perk:

1. Head to Fill in your login details and click the "Login" button

2 Click on the green "Edit your campaign" button

3. Go to  "Customize" and click on the "Campaign Page" Option

4. Scroll down to "Add Incentives". Select "Perks" and then "Create Perk" at the bottom of the page. Then follow instructions to create and customise your perks.

Impact Levels

Image from "Providing Education and Food for Impoverished Children"

What are Impact Levels?

Impact levels are a great way of getting your donors to see how a donation will help the cause. This is a great option for people who are passionate about your cause, as it allows them to visualise how their donation will create change. The tried-and-tested example is, "$25 will help to buy a cow to help feed a starving family." 

What impact levels can I offer?

This will depend on your knowledge of your cause. Try and help your audience see how your campaign will create change.

How do I add an Impact level?

1. Head to Fill in your login details and click the "Login" button

2 Click on the green "Edit your campaign" button

3. Go to "6. Customize" and click on the "Campaign Page option"

4. Scroll down to "Add Incentives." Select "Impact Levels" and then "Create Impact Level" at the bottom of the page. Then, follow the instructions to create and customise your impact levels.