Gift Aid for UK charities

If you are a UK charity, enables you to collect Gift Aid Declarations from your donors. At this stage, we do not process the Gift Aid Declarations directly with HMRC, so you will need to take the Gift Aid Declarations that we collect and process them with HMRC to receive the Gift Aid. 

To collect Gift Aid Declarations on

1. Head to Fill in your login details and click the "Login" button

2. Choose "Edit your campaign". 

3. Scroll down to the “Optional Features" section under the "Organisation Setup" heading on the left-hand side of the screen.  

4. Add in the organisation and tick  "Collect Gift Aid Declarations" box. You can then type in your official Charity Name. Note that the option to collect addresses will be automatically switched on as these are required for Gift Aid Declarations.

5. On the donation form, the donor will be able to make their Gift Aid Declarations

6. The donor will then receive a receipt with the following declaration

7. You can then use the information in your Donor Data to know which donors made declarations and their donation amounts and addresses.